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Writer's picturesanskar goyal

Start your buissness as garlic wholesaler [mandi]

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

a small investment and your thinking skill can make you start your own buissness just go on a farmer market and in auction buy a slot of product as you know that auction are in two phase buy in first phase and resale in second phase only if you think rates are going to increase or not than put the product in stock on a shop and the rates increase sale it then there is so low chances of loss and huge chances of profit and you can also mix 2 to 3 slot of product to make your product more and attractive and then the rate is going to increase in it and may be profit or loss but that much risk is riskable to became a buissness man . and then after a interval of time you can buy product from other placer where rates are down and then reasle it in your place as you know that mandsaur is famous mandi in that field so you can buy with us by this link and we sale you on low rate then you can resale it on your market place that is all about how to start a buissness with small investment.

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